The knitting for Soleil is done. Not bad, it took me, what, a week an a half? Of course, it's not done completely. Ends need to be woven, it needs to be blocked, and I need to crochet a border around the top edges. Of course, for me to crochet a border would entail me getting a crochet hook. So this is just going to be tossed back into my knitting basket for a while.
Sorry, Blogger's not uploading my pictures.
On the subject of UFOs, I have too many of them. So my next projects will be those.
In no particular order I have:
1. Sheldon - missing his legs.
2. Norberta - not sewn or stuffed at all.
3. We Call Them Pirates Mittens - one done, one not even started
4. Endpaper Mitts - see #3
5. A baby cardigan - missing buttons (I have the buttons, I just haven't sewn them on yet)
6. Twinkletoes - one done, but missing leg ties (I'm going to use ribbon instead of the knitted string), one not even started.
7. Sweater of my own design - I'm going to finish up the front, but aside from that, I'm willing to let this one go until fall comes around again.
I'm pretty sure I can get some of these done before I get distracted again. I'm shooting for about five of the seven. We'll see.
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