Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Makin' my Megan a hat...

The title is supposed to be sung. The complete song (also useful for my boyfriend, or any person with a two-syllable name) is:
Makin' my Megan a hat.
Makin' my Megan a hat.
Gonna be nice when it's all done,
'Cause I'm makin' my Megan a hat.
Then I usually scat for a bit and start over.

A friend just went through some surgery. Mind you, this is after dealing with cancer last year, and now surgery for something completely unrelated. It's been a rough time for her. Anyway, shortly after the surgery, when she was completely doped up on painkillers, she commented, "Oh, I want a beanie."

If my friend wants a beanie, she's gonna get a beanie. She wanted it in blue, but she doesn't wear wool (it lies very heavy on her, so she can only wear it when it's freezing cold outside.) Luckily, I have some blue acrylic in my stash, in a DK weight.

I started out with Shedir, from the breast cancer issue of Knitty. I've made it before with no problems, but this time, all of the little cables drove me freaking crazy. It got ripped. I decided to knit Odessa, by Grumperina. The ribbing went fine, but the larger needles seemed too loose for the yarn. I tried to switch down to size 5, but I could only find three of them. So most of the hat was knit on three size 5's and two size 6's.

By the way, sorry about the bad picture. My boyfriend's at work, so I held the camera out at arm's length to get this. I'm usually much cuter, and the hat's not so pointy.

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